Diary of a Work Experience Student : Saskia

23 Jun 2023

Diary of a Work Experience Student : Saskia


As a part of our Work Experience time with the wonderful students, we often ask them to share with us their experience at JOY, to document  their journey with us and the experiences we all get through learning from each other. Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting Saskia and bring to you her week at JOY-

“Hi! My name is Saskia and I’ve been hanging out here at JOY for a week as a part of my two week work experience placement. As a year ten student, we’re instructed to look for placements that match up with the career that we aspire to go into in the future and that’s what JOY is for me. I’ve always wanted to be a journalist and through my week here I’ve had a taste of what a career in journalism would be like. After a week here, I can safely say that –  I love it!!

I worked on some social media posts on Canva for the first few days: some about workplace diversity and some about podcasts. Here I got to use a lot of creativity and I got to try out elements of my imagination that I don’t usually use – except for school projects. This was a really great first project for me and it helped me transition into what my week would be like. As I got to know everybody, I started adjusting to ‘office life’ and got my bearings – it was really great to have a project like this to work on that I was super confident in.

JOY Breakfast hosts Dean Arcuri and Rachel Morrison with work experience student Saskia

JOY Breakfast hosts Dean Arcuri and Rachel Morrison with our work experience student Saskia

I had tours of the recording and audio spaces during my initial days here but on Friday I got the chance to record an ad for JOY for an American hotel brand. It was fun to work with Elliot on this and do a few takes, really trying to get my energy levels up. By the end I couldn’t stop smiling and it was super fun to give it my best shot.

On Friday morning I also came in super early to be able to sit in and observe the JOY Breakfast show. The presenters Rach and Dean are super kind and do an amazing job engaging newcomers to the space and making them feel welcome. It was a two hour show and they joked and played games so the hours seemed to pass in a snap. This was most likely the highlight of my time here.

I worked with some of the staff later on my last day to record a clip of my presenting the news that I could then use for my ‘look what I did at work experience’ presentation when I went back to school the following week. They were super sweet and helped me relax and get my confidence up when I was doubting myself a little bit about speaking into the mic. They helped me be able to slow down my speech and by the end I was really happy with the final result. I felt proud of the work that we had all put in to make it amazing.

Overall, my time with JOY was fantastic and I loved being shown a range of different experiences and options for pursuing a journalistic pathway. Plus, hearing somebody say ‘I heard you on the radio this morning’ really manages to put a smile on your face.”


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